Canti con flauto II - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Canti con flauto II

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The second volume in the series Canti con flauto features six songs from the 19th century for high voice, flute and piano in a new critical edition. The pieces, some of which are virtuosic, offer an impressive insight into the varied repertoire for this scoring. The selection includes works with German, French, and English texts. Three of the songs originally contained two languages. In the works by Ch. G. Belcke, A. Terschak, H. R. Bishop, and S. Laville the flute imitates bird song. The compositions by J. H. Altès and A. M. Panseron are also based on contemporary texts about nature and love.
Together with Canti con flauto I (Carus 17.201), this volume enables performers to rediscover this highly effective, but unjustly forgotten repertoire.
full score, with instrumental parts Carus 17.202/00, ISMN 979-0-007-18862-7 DIN A4, paperback
47,50 € / copy
  • Peter Thalheimer studied recorder, flute (with Prof. Hartmut Strebel) and school music in Stuttgart. He completed his musicological studies with a doctorate at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität of Tübingen. He has taught in Nuremberg since 1978, and is currently professor of historical performance practice and recorder/transverse flute at the Hochschule für Musik Nuremberg. Concerts, radio and recording productions, courses and lectures he has given have taken him throughout Europe and the USA. In addition, his work has resulted in numerous music editions, as well as publications on performance practice, the study of instruments and on woodwind technique. An extensive collection of historical and modern flutes and recorders forms the basis for this work. Personal details


... Die Ausgabe des Carus-Verlags lässt hinsichtlich Aufmachung und Druckgestaltung keine Wünsche offen.
Hartmut Gerhold, TIBIA 4/2019

... Dabei erweist sich die Flötenstimme dem Gesangspart als echter Duopartner, in dem sie Vogelgesänge imitiert oder mit den Koloraturen und brillanten Sechzehntelketten über beide Triopartner hinweg zwitschert.
Die auskomponierte Liedbegleitung untermalt den Text wirkungsvoll: hohe Kunst einer selten zu hörenden kammermusikalischen Besetzung.
Flöte aktuell, 1/2019

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