Motetten und Chorarien, Heft 3 - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Motetten und Chorarien, Heft 3

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In his six-volume collection “Motetten und Chorarien” (1779) Johann Adam Hiller compiled the works of his fellow composers in six volumes and published them himself. The third volume of this collection contains compositions of the master motet composers, Homilius and Rolle, as well as works by Graun, Caldara, Fehre, Tag and Hiller. The motet by Caldara, a Latin composition for three lower voices and basso continuo, is in many respects out of place.
Listen (3)
  • Siehe, des Herrn Auge
  • Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis
  • Der Herr behüte dich
collection Carus 2.041/30, ISMN 979-0-007-09511-6 44 pages, DIN A4, paperback
from 1 copies 16,95 € / copy
from 20 copies 12,95 € / copy
from 40 copies 11,66 € / copy
from 60 copies 10,36 € / copy
  • Schulbesuch zunächst in Görlitz und dann an der Kreuzschule in Dresden, dort Schüler von G. A. Homilius. 1751 Studium in Leipzig, 1754 Hauslehrer bei Graf Heinrich von Brühl. 1758 wieder in Leipzig, betätigte sich Hiller als Konzerveranstalter, Dirigent, Gesangslehrer und Musikpublizist; er war der erste Leiter der ab 1781 im Gewandhaus stattfindenden Konzerte. 1789 Thomaskantor in der Nachfolge von Johann Friedrich Doles. Personal details
  • Uwe Wolf studied musicology, history, and historical ancillary science at Tübingen and Göttingen. After receiving his doctorate in 1991 he was a research assistant at the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut in Göttingen. From 2004 he worked at the Bach-Archiv Leipzig. There he directed a both research departments, was substantially responsible for the redisigning of the Bach Museum, and he developed the digital Online-Projekt Bach. Since October 2011 he has been the Chief Editor at Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart. He has taught at various universities and also belongs to the editorial boards of several complete editions. Personal details

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