Ulrike Hofbauer

A propos de la personne

Ulrike Hofbauer studied singing and vocal pedagogy in Würzburg and Salzburg and at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. She has collaborated as a soloist with numerous renowned ensembles and conductors. Her interest in acting finds its outlet on the opera stage, among others in/at the theaters in Basle, Berne and Magdeburg. With her own prize-winning ensemble savadi, Hofbauer combines historical authenticity with modern esprit and emotionality; projects with larger forces are realized with her ensemble &cetera. Since 2014 she has taught Baroque singing at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. Her repertoire embraces all epochs and styles – her intensive preoccupation with musical rhetoric, ornamentation and the “recitar cantando” style thereby form the main emphases of her artistic work.