Schubert: Ständchen. Werke für Männerstimmen (Carus Classics) - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Franz Schubert Ständchen. Werke für Männerstimmen (Carus Classics)

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The Carus Classics series features outstanding CD productions from Carus’ past library of recordings. The series has been designed exclusively by the well-known graphic artists Friedrich Forssman und Cornelia Feyll.
Listen (14)
  • Der Gondelfahrer
  • Mondenschein
  • Wehmut
  • Ewige Liebe
  • Flucht
  • Der Gondelfahrer
  • Frühlingslied
  • Frühlingsgesang
  • Soft approaching, in the silence of the darkness
  • Wein und Liebe
  • Grab und Mond
  • Nachthelle
  • Widerspruch
  • Nachtgesang im Walde
Compact Disc Carus 83.334/00, EAN 4009350833340 CD, digipac
9,90 € / copy
  • Throughout most of his life Franz Schubert was concerned with church music. When he was eleven he was chosen as treble soloist at his local church in the Vienna suburb of Lichtenthal and soon afterwards he was admitted to the choir of the Imperial Court Chapel, directed by Antonio Salieri. Soon he also began to compose; his earliest surviving sacred pieces date from 1812. During his lifetime his church music achieved a comparatively wide degree of acceptance but after his death, most notably, his smaller works were unjustly forgotten. The Carus programme encompasses Schubert’s complete sacred compositions and it is intended to emphasize the wide range of his works in this area. Many of the smaller liturgical compositions are published here for the first time in separate editions. What is to be discovered is a fascinating œuvre, rooted in the ‘stile antico’ of Antonio Salieri and in the compositions of the Viennese classical masters, but whose exquisite lyricism and harmonic subtlety reveal a typically Schubertian world of expression: works with great power of conviction and exceptional musical beauty. Personal details
  • Schubert hoch vier besteht aus den international gefragten Solisten Markus Schäfer, Hubert Mayer, Hans Christoph Begemann und Cornelius Hauptmann. Personal details
  • Gundula Schneider, geboren in Dresden, ist Preisträgerin mehrerer internationaler Wettbewerbe, darunter Brahms-Wettbewerb Hamburg, Dvorak-Wettbewerb Karlsbad, 1. Preis bei Pro Musicis in Paris und New York. Die Mezzosopranistin war festes Mitglied am Theater Dortmund und gastierte an den Opernhäusern von Strasbourg, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, an der Komischen Oper Berling, in Innsbruck und Neapel. Als Lied- und Konzertsängerin war Gundula Schneider in Deutschland, dem europäischen Ausland, den USA sowie China und Japan, u.a. an der Pariser Opéra Comique und der Carnegie Hall in New York zu hören. Zudem wirkte sie bei zahlreichen Rundfunkaufnahmen und CD-Einspielungen mit. Personal details

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