Die Kinder des  Monsieur Mathieu. Lieder aus dem Film »Les choristes« und weitere Lieder für Kinderchor - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu. Lieder aus dem Film »Les choristes« und weitere Lieder für Kinderchor

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The sensational success of the film Les choristes (The Chorus) rests, not least, on its moving music. Some of the most beautiful songs from the film are presented here in arrangements for two voices by the Kinderchor der Staatsoper Stuttgart and the Klavierduo Stenzl as well as the Lotus String Quartet, conducted by Johannes Knecht. In addition to the film music works by Johannes Knecht, Vic Nees and Manfred Züghart are performed.
Listen (21)
  • Cerf-volant / Papierflieger
  • Sieh auf deinem Weg - Version 1
  • Sanft weht ein Hauch überm Meer - Version 1
  • Bumerang
  • Logik
  • Arm Kräutchen
  • Lustig quasselt der seichte Bach
  • Das Lied von der Hochseekuh
  • Tragik des Lebens
  • Ich
  • Regenwetter
  • Fliegen
  • Rolltreppe
  • The music of the sea
  • The Conjuror
  • Swans
  • It feels like little kittens
  • Sieh auf deinem Weg - Version 2
  • Sanft weht ein Hauch überm Meer - Version 2
  • Sieh auf deinem Weg - Version 3
  • Sanft weht ein Hauch überm Meer - Version 3
    • Cerf-volant / Papierflieger
Compact Disc Carus 83.456/00, EAN 4009350834569 CD in jewel case
19,90 € / copy
  • They have been a team for more than 20 years, they play from memory and as freely as if they were a soloist with four hands: Hans-Peter and Volker Stenzl rank amongst today’s best piano duos in the world. Critics marvel at the “magical amalgam of the two brothers’ hearts into one musical soul,” and point out the “unique blend of innate musical instinct and keen intelligence.”

    The Stenzls outstanding reputation is a product of their hard work and diligence: following their course of study in Stuttgart and Frankfurt they continued instruction in London as DAAD stipendiaries with Frank Wibaut, Hamish Milne, Stephen Kovacevich, and took private lessons with Alfred Brendel. Winners of 11 international competitions (e.g. ARD/Munich 1986, Dranoff/ Miami 1989), their extensive career has taken them to almost all European countries, to North and South America, West Africa, Japan, China and Hong Kong. In 1991 they made their debut at the Salzburg Festival. They have since appeared in major concert halls throughout the world, including Royal Festival Hall and Wigmore Hall London, Merkin Concert Hall New York, Lincoln Theatre Miami, Suntory Hall Tokyo, Cultural Centre Hong Kong, Philharmonic Hall Guangzhou, Philharmonie Berlin, Frauenkirche Dresden, Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Philharmonie Köln, Herkulessaal and Gasteig München, Liederhalle Stuttgart, Salle Gaveau Paris, Stefaniensaal Graz, Philharmonic Hall Bratislava, Ateneul Bucharest, Kolarac and Philharmonic Hall Belgrade, Opera House Kairo, Opera House Alexandria, Teatro Teresa Care no Caracas, and many more. Numerous radio and TV productions (e.g.ARD, ZDF, SWR, NDR, ORF, WDR, RAI, BBC, ITV) as well as highly acclaimed CD and DVD recordings testify to the wide artistic range of the Stenzls.

    In 1996 Hans-Peter and Volker Stenzl were appointed “Associates of the Royal Academy of Music London.” They are professors at the Universitites of Music in Stuttgart and Rostock (advanced piano duo studies – many of their student teams are international prizewinners themselves) and give masterclasses in many countries. In addition they serve on the juries of renowned national and international music competitions.

    Personal details
  • Mitglied des Klavierduos Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl Personal details

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