Gabriel Fauré Sacred music. Complete edition of the shorter sacred music for choir and ensembles

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Between completing his education at the École de musique classique et religieuse in Paris and being appointed head of the Paris Conservatoire, Gabriel Fauré worked mainly as a church musician. As a result of his conviction that spiritual music is "an expression of humanity", he usually preferred more intimate chamber music ensembles to large monumental works.  In accordance with the resources available where he worked, he wrote much for mixed choir, frequently supported by soloists and organ or harmonium and sometimes enriched by harp or double bass. For festive occasions, further instruments were added: preferably a string quintet, sometimes augmented by wind instruments. The chamber music-like "human" character was, however, always retained.

"Musique religieuse" contains all the smaller-scale choral and  ensemble works, as well as previously unpublished original arrangements for orchestra and chamber ensemble.
Listen (1)
  • Ave Maria in A major
    • Cantique de Jean Racine (Lobgesang des Jean Racine)
    • Cantique de Jean Racine (Lobgesang des Jean Racine)
collection Carus 70.301/00, ISMN 979-0-007-08087-7 184 pages, DIN A4, paperback
from 1 copies 78,00 € / copy
from 20 copies 66,00 € / copy
from 40 copies 59,40 € / copy
from 60 copies 52,80 € / copy

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