Musica Sacra Baltica. Sacred choral music from the 20th century - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Musica Sacra Baltica. Sacred choral music from the 20th century

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In the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) there is a long choral tradition. Located in the heart of Europe, these countries stand politically as well as artistically between eastern and western Europe. Although they share many things in common, each country is strongly influenced by its musical history and artistic mentality. Baltic choral music is strongly tied to a sense of national consciousness which provides a basis for a varied musical creativity. The 44 settings of Urmas Sisask, Vytautas Miškinis, Mikalojus K. Ciurlionis and Romualds Jermaks a.o. in this collection show the development of Baltic a cappella music and offer insight into the sacred music of this region.
Listen (4)
  • Der Weg nach Bethlehem
  • Cantate Domino
  • Ave vera virginitas
  • Alma Dei creatoris
choral collection Carus 2.152/00, ISMN 979-0-007-09238-2 88 pages, paperback
from 1 copies 25,00 € / copy
from 20 copies 18,50 € / copy
from 40 copies 16,65 € / copy
from 60 copies 14,80 € / copy


  • The publisher, church musician and teacher Günter Graulich is one of the major personalities in German publishing of the post-war period. With his wife Waltraud he founded Carus-Verlag Stuttgart in 1972, which he built up from a 2-person family firm to a medium-sized business with around 60 employees. A trained church musician and Kantor for many years at the Matthäuskirche Stuttgart, he also directed the Motettenchor Stuttgart for 50 years. With his choir he made LP and CD recordings, and undertook numerous concert tours to other European countries and America. Personal details
  • Armin Kircher studied church music at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Until his death he was Director of the Church Music Department of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, and since 1992 he had been administrative director of the Österreichische Werkwoche für Kirchenmusik (Austrian Week for Church Music). He was also Director of Music at St Peter's Abbey, Salzburg and organist at the Cajetan Church in Salzburg. The collections he edited for the Catholic liturgy have become established standard works, in particular the choral collections Chorbuch Mozart • Haydn, the Chorbuch Kirchenjahr (Choirbook for the Church Year) and publications for organ and choir for the new Catholic hymnbook Gotteslob. Armin Kircher also made a name as an arranger of beautiful settings for choir and organ. Personal details


[...] Die Musik ist gut! Es gibt wunderbare kleine Stücke in dieser Sammlung, von zärtlichem, fast intimem Charakter. Es gibt richtige "Reißer", der Name Miskinis sei nur stellvertretend dafür genannt. Manche Stücke laden zum Bad im Klang, bei manchen fängt man schon beim Lesen von selbst an mitzuschnipsen, manche faszinieren durch ihre Schlichtheit, durch ihre liebevoll gestaltete Melodik. Kurze biographische Hinweise helfen, die z. T. in Deutschland noch recht unbekannten Namen der Komponisten und Komponistinnen (!) zeitlich und geographisch einzuordnen. Alle Zeiten des Kirchenjahrs sind bedacht. [...]

Quelle: Musica Sacra, Heft 2 / 2008

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