Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: Sonatas for solo keyboard instrument I - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Sonatas for solo keyboard instrument I

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Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, the oldest Bach son, displayed a distinctive creative individualism in his output. His sonatas for solo keyboard instrument (harpsichord or fortepiano), which rank amongst his major works, shaped the development of the then-young genre and his posthumous reputation. With their often-capricious melodies and harmony, improvisatory features, but also the combination of galant and contrapuntal stylistic ideals, the sonatas are a real discovery. All the sonatas for solo keyboard instrument plus the Concerto in F major for two harpsichords are published in five volumes as separate editions from the Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Complete Edition.
full score Carus 32.241/00, ISMN 979-0-007-24443-9 48 pages, 23 x 32 cm, paperback
32,50 € / copy
  • Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, the oldest son of Johann Sebastian, enjoyed the reputation of an outstanding, but at the same time one of the most independent-minded composers of his age. His work represents the ambitious attempt to absorb the legacy of his father and to develop the taste of his own generation further. Lofty artistic ambitions are to be found in almost all of W. F. Bach's works – from the early piano pieces via the cantatas of his middle period to the late sonatas and fantasias. Wilhelm Friedemann Bach wrote keyboard and chamber music, concertos and sacred cantatas. On a high level of technical ability he created a fascinating synthesis of baroque complexities and the emotionally charged galant style. While his instrumental works were written for the most part in Dresden (1733–1746) and Berlin (1774–1784) and are in the style of splendid courtly music, the vocal works date from his time as organist and director of music at the Marktkirche in Halle (1746–1764); they are distinguished by their expressive boldness and virtuosity. Personal details

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