Nele Gramß

Personal details

Soprano Nele Gramß grew up in a family where her broad musical interests began. She studied in Würzburg, Munich and Amsterdam. Initiially she studied school music and viola da gamba, and then singing. Margreet Honig, Barbara Schlick and Monika Bürgener are and were important teachers for her. Although her extensive repertoire encompasses music of all periods and genres, Nele Gramß specialises in music of the 17th century. She most frequently sings the Bach oratorios, Monteverdi, Schütz and other polyphonic vocal works. Next to oratorio, she specialises in chamber music: she is a permanent member of Movimento and the Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam. She also gives Lied recitals with her piano accompanist Annie Gicquel and performs with a wide range of ensembles and orchestras. Last summer she took part in two performances of Honegger’s Jeanne d’Arc. Another recent highlight were staged performances of Handel’s Saul in St. Egidien’s Church in Nuremberg.
