Peter Kopp

Personal details

After singing in the Dresden Kreuzchor as a schoolboy, Peter Kopp trained both as a church musician and as a choral and orchestral conductor at the Dresden Hochschule für Musik. While still a student he directed the Dresden Bach Choir. Since 1995 he has been a choral conductor of the Dresden Kreuzchor, which he was engaged to direct when the post of Kreuzkantor was vacant. His diverse musical activities have taken him abroad on a number of occasions. He is particularly interested in rediscovering forgotten gems from Saxony’s musical history. In this respect, performances and CD recordings of works by Johann Gottlieb Naumann have had the same lasting resonance as his most recent releases, “Christmas at the Dresden Court” (Carus 83.169), “Christmas in the Dresden Frauenkirche” (Carus 83.170), and the first recording of the most important Vivaldi discovery for seventy years, the Dixit Dominus. In 2002 Peter Kopp was awarded the Johann Walter Plaquette of the Saxon Music Council, followed by the Sponsor Prize of Dresden, the state capital of Saxony, in the spring of 2003. In addition he regularly appears as a guest conductor with the Bach Society of Houston/Texas and has given courses in choral conducting at two universities there.