Antonio Caldara: Ave maris stella - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Antonio Caldara Ave maris stella

Marianischer Hymnus 0vor 1737 (um 1720?)

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The series "Vienna - Music of the imperial royal seat" has been initiated with Caldara's Ave maris stella for solo soprano and alto, two obbligato violins and basso continuo. The performance dates in the surviving source material show that the piece was performed on 1 February in 1752 and 1754 during the first solemn vespers for Candlemas, probably in the Great Hofburgkapella. The short pleasing piece is suitable in a concertante setting as well as for sacred services (especially on feasts to the Virgin Mary and during vespers), but it is also appropriate for prayer services.
full score, with instrumental parts, First edition Carus 27.701/00, ISMN 979-0-007-09710-3 8 pages, DIN A4, paperback
21,50 € / copy
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  • Nach Anstellungen 1700 in Mantua und 1709 in Rom 1716 Übersiedlung nach Wien, dort erster Vizekapellmeister am Kaiserhof. Personal details

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