Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Kyrie in D minor - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie in D minor

"Münchner Kyrie" KV 341 (368a), 1787-1791 (?)

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Der Beiname "Münchner Kyrie" geht auf die Besetzung des Werkes zurück: Da hier Klarinetten vorgesehen sind, die Mozart in Salzburg nicht zur Verfügung hatte und in München für den "Idomeneo" besetzte. Heute wird hingegen angenommen, dass Mozart dieses Werk 1791 komponierte.
vocal score Carus 40.037/03, ISMN 979-0-007-08614-5 12 pages, paperback
5,80 € / copy
full score Carus 40.037/00, ISMN 979-0-007-08845-3 32 pages, DIN A4, paperback
19,50 € / copy
choral score Carus 40.037/05, ISMN 979-0-007-05820-3 4 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 2,95 € / copy
from 40 copies 2,66 € / copy
from 60 copies 2,36 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts Carus 40.037/19, ISMN 979-0-007-13440-2 23 x 32 cm, without cover
53,00 € / copy
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, flute 1, flute 2, oboe 1, oboe 2, clarinet 1, clarinet 2, bassoon 1, bassoon 2, horn 1, horn 2, horn 3, horn 4, trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trombone 1, trombone 2, trombone 3, timpani (40.037/09)
    each: 17,95 €
    5 x individual part, violin 1 (40.037/11)
    each: 2,40 €
    5 x individual part, violin 2 (40.037/12)
    each: 2,40 €
    4 x individual part, viola (40.037/13)
    each: 2,40 €
    4 x individual part, violoncello/double bass (40.037/14)
    each: 2,40 €
    1 x individual part, organ (40.037/49)
    each: 4,10 €
individual part, organ Carus 40.037/49, ISMN 979-0-007-21703-7 4 pages, 23 x 32 cm, without cover
4,10 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 40.037/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-25979-2 32 pages, DIN A4
17,60 € / copy
Additional product information
  • As the son of the deputy Kapellmeister to the Salzburg Prince-Archbishop, Mozart was constantly surrounded by church music in his youth. On his travels Mozart became familiar with Italian church music, and later in Vienna he studied the works of Bach and Handel. After moving to Vienna he was faced with the new challenges of composing opera and piano concertos, and significantly the “C Minor Mass” KV 427, the greatest sacred work of the first Vienna years, remained unfinished. The last period of his life again shows a change of direction to church music: Mozart successfully applied to succeed the terminally ill Leopold Hoffmann as Kapellmeister at St Stephen's Cathedral, but he was unable to take up the position as he died before Hoffmann. A gem such as the “Ave verum” KV 618 and the incomplete Requiem KV 626 give us an idea of what Mozart might have achieved as a composer of sacred music if he had taken up this important position. Personal details
  • Paul Horn war ein deutscher Kirchenmusiker, Organist, Komponist und Musikwissenschaftler. Er studierte Kirchenmusik und Orgel an der Evangelischen Kirchenmusikschule Esslingen am Neckar bei Hans-Arnold Metzger und Musikwissenschaft, Theologie und Geschichte an der Universität Tübingen. Seine berufliche Laufbahn begann als Kantor an der Evangelischen Michaelskirche in Stuttgart-Degerloch. 1954 wurde er Kantor an der Evangelischen Stadtkirche Ravensburg, eine Position, die er bis zu seiner Pensionierung innehatte. Als Musikwissenschaftler arbeitete Horn bis ins hohe Alter eng mit Carus zusammen. So stammen zahlreiche Carus-Klavierauszüge aus seiner Feder. Personal details

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